Acronyms Galore
Some of the more frequently used acronyms used to refer to ourselves and activities are outlined below.
- AG-- Annual Gathering - annual meeting of Mensa members, usually confined to one national group
- RG -- Regional Gathering - wherever and whenever one or more local groups decide to hold one
- AMC -- American Mensa Committee, the Board of Directors of American Mensa, Ltd.
- GC -- Gifted Children
- IBD -- International Board of Directors, made up of officers and representatives from national groups
- LocSec -- Local Secretary of a Mensa local group
- M -- Any member of Mensa
- MTE -- Meet to Eat (monthly meeting)
- FM -- Any female member of Mensa
- MM -- Any male member of Mensa
- SIG -- Special Interest Group
- SIGHT -- Service of Information, Guidance, and Hospitality to Travelers
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