How to Join
Qualifications for Membership
The only qualification for Mensa membership is a score in the top 2% of the general population on a supervised standardized intelligence test. That score can come from prior evidence -- a test accepted by American Mensa or from the Mensa Admission Tests.
I. Prior Evidence
Applicants can give evidence of a score in the top 2% of the general population on a supervised standardized intelligence test.
All prior evidence will be appraised individually and Mensa reserves the right to make the final determination as to the acceptability of the test. The onetime processing fee is $30 (U.S.)
All prior evidence submitted must be original documentation or a notarized copy of the original.
Evidence in a school transcript must be a school document with a school seal. An armed forces record must be a notarized copy.
Tests given by an institution/agency/clinic/private psychologist must include the full name of the test, the score and the percentile rank. This documentation must be on the institution/agency/clinic/private psychologist letterhead and signed by the psychologist responsible for the testing, along with the license/certification number of the psychologist, issued by the state in which the psychologist practices.
Mensa accepts scores from approximately 200 tests. See below for a list of qualifying scores for some tests.
American Mensa does not accept unsupervised testing as proof of eligibility, specifically unsupervised testing administered electronically or via Internet-based tests.
II. Mensa Admission Tests
Applicants can take the Mensa Admission Tests, which are supervised by a certified Mensa proctor. Our local proctor is . Contact Roy for an appointment to take a proctored test. An applicant who scores at or above the 98th percentile on one of these tests qualifies for membership. The test fee is $30 (U.S.). The tests are not valid for people under the age of 14 who can qualify through prior evidence. Mensa does offer a battery of culture-fair, non-language tests.
Applicants can take a pretest in the privacy of their home. If they receive a high score, they will be encouraged to take the admission tests. The pretest fee is $18 (U.S.).
III. Mensa Dues
Current dues for American Mensa are $49 (U.S.) a year. Life, multi-year, and family plans are available. Please visit American Mensa's site for more information.
(Please PRINT on your computer's printer and fill in legibly in blue or black ink.)
Name: ______________________________________________________ Check one: ____ Male ____ Female Account No: _______________________ (9-digit on label if you have one) Date of Birth: ____________________________________________ Street Address / P.O. Box: ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: ________ Zip+4:_________________ Home Phone: (____)_____________________ Business Phone: (____)___________________ Please check the appropriate choice: _____Please send me a pretest. I understand that if I receive a high score, I will be encouraged to take the admission tests. Enclosed is a check or money order for $18 (U.S.) for a pretest. Pretest is not mandatory for membership. _____I wish to take the Mensa Admission tests. Please send me the name and address for the nearest proctor. If I score in the top 2% on one of these tests, I understand I qualify for Mensa. I will pay the $30 (U.S.) to the proctor. _____I claim exemption from testing and enclose prior evidence of intelligence test scores in the top 2% of the general population. Enclosed is a check or money order for $30 (U.S.) as a nonrefundable evaluation fee. (See above). Amount enclosed: $____________ Before sending your money, please check with the American Mensa National Office for any rate changes. Make your check or money order payable to American Mensa, Ltd. All payments must be drawn in U.S. funds. Please allow 2-4 weeks for processing of application. Mail to: American Mensa, Ltd. 1229 Corporate Drive West Arlington, TX 76006-6103 Phone:(817) 607-0060 Fax: (817) 649-5232
Test Scores Accepted by American Mensa
The following link will take you directly to the American Mensa page which lists the current acceptable scores. Since these are likely to change from time to time, we refer you to this list. Please hit your back button on your browser to return to this page and continue viewing our site. Thank you, enjoy your visit.
Or see the National Site for an online application