Mensa is a social organization with one entrance requirement, you must score in the top 2% of the population on a standardized intelligence test.
Mensa has three stated purposes:
- To identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity;
- To encourage research in the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence; and
- To promote stimulating intellectual and social opportunities for its members.
At any given time, South Mississippi Mensa has about 30-45 members who live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. We generally meet once per month, and we stay in contact by newsletters and e-mail. We represent a variety of professions with a variety of interests.
Mensa is an international organization incorporated in Great Britain, Canada, the United States, and many other countries. An International Board of Directors is elected every two years. In the United States, Mensa is incorporated as a not-for-profit membership organization under the laws of New York State. Its Board of Directors, the American Mensa Committee, is elected every other year.
Most of the officers in American Mensa are elected. Except for the small staff at the National Office, there are no paid employees. The Executive Director is charged with the administration of American Mensa's ongoing business. The National Office handles address changes, scores tests, maintains the lists of Members, Local Secretaries, Editors, Proctors, SIG and GC Coordinators, provides support to local groups and RVCs to solve problems, and acts as an information center for members and non-members alike.
Personal opinions and/or views expressed on this site or any site linked to this site are strictly the author's own and not endorsed by Mensa. Mensa is a non-profit organization and is not affiliated with any other organization. We invite contributions of your opposing views.
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